sales locations

You can buy JAMU picture frames locally in these stores.

Would you like to take a closer look at the JAMU and convince yourself of the quality? Then stop by one of these shops.

But be careful: not every shop has every version on site. It's best to find out in advance.

Stiftung Züriwerk in Bubikon wo die JAMU Rahmen produziert werden.

factory outlet Züriwerk

Buy directly from the Züriwerk Foundation. Here, where the frames are produced, the JAMU picture frames can be selected, paid for and picked up after prior appointment.

only on Wednesday afternoons from 13:00 – 16:00 and by appointment via
Tel. +41 55 253 32 03 or .

Züriwerk Foundation, Plattenstrasse 19, 8608 Bubikon, Switzerland

locations in Switzerland





online shops in Switzerland