Bilderwand planen – einfacher Trick

Planning a picture wall – a simple trick with newspaper

A picture wall brings personality into your home. It can be minimalist, creative or completely individual. But the question often arises: How do you plan a picture wall correctly?

Planning a picture wall - How to do it step by step

Select picture frames and determine sizes: Think about which pictures you want to hang. Combine different sizes to create an exciting dynamic. A mix of portrait and landscape formats as well as different formats creates an interesting overall picture.

Trick: If you are unsure, try different arrangements on the floor first.

Cut newspaper and test position A tried and tested trick for hanging pictures is to use newspaper.

  • Cut the newspaper to the size of your picture frames.
  • Tape the cut sides to the wall with painter's tape.
  • Move the pieces of paper until you find the perfect arrangement.

This way you can plan your picture wall without drilling a single hole!

 Mark holes and determine drilling position Once you have found the perfect arrangement, it's time to mark the holes.

  • Measure the distance of the hanger at the back of the frame.
  • Transfer the position to the newspaper.
  • Draw a cross exactly where you want the nail or screw to go.

Tip: To create a harmonious overall picture, keep an even distance between the pictures – usually 5-10 cm is ideal.

Screw in and hang pictures

  • Remove the pieces of newspaper from the wall one by one.
  • Drill the holes at the marked locations.
  • Hang the pictures and check the alignment with a spirit level.

How high should you hang pictures?
The optimal height for pictures is at eye level.


With the newspaper method you can easily plan your picture wall and find the perfect position without making unnecessary holes in the wall.

👉 Whether you prefer a symmetrical or free-standing picture hanging scheme – with this method you are guaranteed to succeed!

Have fun planning your picture wall! 🎨✨

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