«JAMU Bilderrahmen vereinen
Kreativität, zeitloses Design und lokales
Handwerk – für Kinderzeichnungen,
die gesehen werden wollen.»

We are Jacqueline and Cengiz, parents of two children, and we love being creative - with or without our kids. Our children love drawing and painting, and we are delighted with every single work of art. But at some point the question arose: what should we do with all the drawings?

Folders are overflowing, drawers are bursting at the seams - and sometimes a picture ends up in the trash. This is exactly where we wanted to create a solution: a frame that values ​​drawings, collects them neatly and looks good at the same time.

This is how our JAMU was created.

Erste Skizzen für die JAMU Bilderrahmen
Detailarbeiten in der Entwicklung der Bilderrahmen
Skizze der Entwicklung der Bilderrahmen

More than just a picture frame

JAMU is specially designed for children - an intuitive design that allows them to decide for themselves when to frame a drawing. This way they learn in a playful way that the creative process is more important than the perfect result. The frame has space for more than 100 drawings, so you can easily change the artwork at any time.

For creativity, order and design

JAMU combines high-quality craftsmanship with functional, timeless design. It is the practical solution for children's art, as well as a stylish home accessory - for artists big and small.

From Idea to Implementation

Before we put everything on the line, we tested and optimized JAMU extensively. Only when we were convinced ourselves did we start crowdfunding for the first production. Today we work with the Züriwerk Foundation , where people with disabilities make our picture frames with great attention to detail.

Erste Verpackungsversuche + Tests für sicheren Versand der Bilderrahmen
Entwicklung der Wandmontage
Fotoshoooting für den Webshop

From the Living Room to the Company

At the beginning, shipping was done directly from our living room. The boxes were stacked between the sofa, cat tree and guitars. We personally packed and shipped each order. Today, we have outsourced shipping and can enjoy our living room to the fullest again. :-)

Erster Versand erfolgte noch aus unserem Wohnzimmer
Die Kinder halfen kräftig mit beim Versand