Stolzes Kinder zeigt seine Zeichnung

What do we do with all the drawings?

Children are incredibly creative and full of imagination. Whether with paints, pencils or scissors and glue - they create a world that often amazes us. This creativity is not only admirable, but should definitely be encouraged and valued. But as many parents and carers know, this creative development is often accompanied by a little chaos: drawings are hanging everywhere, crafts are piling up, and drawers are overflowing with homemade works of art.

This leads to disorder and sometimes conflict - because where do you put all the drawings? After all, you don't want to just throw the little artists' works in the recycling bin. But how can you appreciate all the artwork without sticking up the whole fridge and all the walls?

A problem we know – and have solved

We know this dilemma all too well, because our apartment used to be littered with our children's artwork. This challenge gave rise to the idea for our JAMU picture frame . It is the perfect solution for parents who want to appreciate their children's creative output without drowning in a chaos of drawings.

The JAMU picture frame: archiving and presenting works of art

The JAMU picture frame offers a clever design that solves several problems at once:

  • Archive compartment for older works: Often you don't want to put every piece of art away immediately, but it's not possible to hang everything at the same time. Our frame includes a practical archive compartment in which older drawings and crafts can be safely stored without getting lost. This way, each work is preserved and can be brought out again later.
  • Always room for the latest: While the collected works of art are stored in the archive compartment, the latest drawing can be presented right at the front in the frame. This way, the apartment stays tidy, but each work of art still gets the attention it deserves.

  • Flexible orientation: Another advantage of the JAMU picture frame is that it can be rotated. This means that children are not restricted in their creativity - whether they prefer to work in portrait or landscape format, the frame adapts! This means that children always have the freedom to paint and craft as they like.

Large formats for big ideas

Children often have more than just small ideas, but think and paint on a large scale. That's why the JAMU picture frame is available in the standard paper formats A4 and A3 . This allows the little artists to work on a large format and to develop freely.

Child draws a picture with felt-tip pens
Child draws and is creative

Enough chaos, bring on art!

The JAMU picture frame helps to appreciate the many works of art and brings more order to everyday family life. The children's creative works are no longer hidden in drawers or folders, but have a permanent place where they can be presented and stored.

Let your children's imagination continue to flourish without having to worry about the mess. With the JAMU picture frame you have found a practical and aesthetic solution that satisfies both the little artists and the parents.

Your JAMU team is looking forward to seeing your little works of art in one of our frames

The drawn picture is inserted into the picture frame and shown
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